Wednesday 24 October 2012

Batman: Analysis

·         Mise en scene
·         Camerawork  FAM frame, angle, movement
·         Editing TOP transitions, order of narrative, pace
·         Soundtrack

Notes on Batman clip
Night time
Dramatic music
Speaker phone from police car
Cars crashing
Close ups of faces
Dim lights
Suspension – transition from face close up to fast moving car
Quick changes – seeing different teams – batman and police
Car flying
Flashing lights – police siren
High/long angle to fit in setting – create the scene
View from car – displaying danger and speed

Talk about the editing and camerawork of this short clip

The movement and the transitions of this short clip are extremely fast – this means a lot can happen in such a big scene. It also allows everything that happens to be seen. This builds up excitement and suspense for the audience. The different camera views allow the viewer to either see everything such as the start of the clip where there is a bird eye view so the audience are able to see the setting and vaguely guess what’s going on and also to allow the audience unaware of what’s happening – where the cameras view is from the car window. This also displays danger and speed from the car, also adding suspense. The pace is very fast adding to the build up of excitement created for the audience purpose, this is helped by lots of movement. Fast cars driving build up tension and anxiety for the characters from the audience and allow the order of the narrative to flow whilst still being quick and choppy for the thrill factor.

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